Wow it's been a while since I posted anything. It's so hard to find time for this stuff right now. Not sure anyone reads it anyway LOL.
So to make some extra money I decided to start selling my nail designs on ebay. I'm reallyyy happy with the deigns I've been coming up with, my nail art has really improved a lot! I've already sold 3 sets of nails and lots more people have my nails on their "watch" lists! Check it out
I was just seeing so many nails on ebay that were just so overpriced and not that cute. There are some cute nails, but you have to order them from Japan/Korea. So I think I have an advantage, because I have nothing up over $15 and mine are super cute (I'm not conceited, they are!!) Here are some samples of what I have up:
This is actually the most popular set I have up. |
"Corset"nails :) |
This is the very firse set of 20 I sold! :)))) |
Anyway, I'm really hopin
g they do well. I know these styles aren't for everyone, but that's what ebay's for, right?