Friday, May 18, 2012

Lens Review: iFairy Luna lenses

Oh what was I thinking when I chose these lens??? They are so cool looking though right? But why did I ever think they would look good on my light eyes?
Website Photo

Lens: iFairy Luna
Color: Green (seriously?)
Diameter: 16.2mm
From: Uniqso
I do love iFairy lenses. I've noticed they have almost the exact same styles as Vassen lenses, but they come in a bigger diameter. I know some of these lens brands are actually manufactured by the same companies so I would assume that is the case! I also love iFairy lenses because not only can I get 16mm diameter, but that is also accompanied by a high water content. These are 55%! iFairy lenses are the most comfortable lenses I've ever worn.
But unfortunately, these are not for me. At all. Like no way in hell could I ever pull these off. It almost looks like I stuck a decal on my eye. So sadly, these join the other pairs of lonely circle lenses that I can't wear. :(

I must have really big eyes.

This pic kinda scares me....

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